Grand Moff Larkin wrote: ↑Mon Jan 20, 2025 6:46 pm
I got a puppy on Friday, presumably a Lab / Shepherd mix, named him Gordie (or “Mr. Hockey”). Will find a way to upload a pic when I’m not cleaning up pee.
House training was really quick and easy when I got Cowboy - she only ever pooped inside once or twice before getting the hang of that, then a few more days of peeing inside, with the odd accident after that. I just did the basic, stern "NO" when she went inside followed by taking her outside immediately. Then treats when she would go outside. Also rushing to scoot her outside when I could tell she was about to go I think gave her the right idea too haha.
Excellent name!
I rushed him outside this morning when he wandered off in the middle of eating breakfast, he was starting to squat to poop. Got him outside, he made a big pile, take him back inside. Then I found where his first couple of poops had come out.
The first night was rough in terms of him sleeping in the crate but since then he's done a lot better.
2PEENZ wrote: ↑Mon Jan 20, 2025 9:42 pm
That trip sounds unreal user captain - Japan is near the top of my bucket list. I've been travelling a lot more recently and my new goal is to hit every continent. South American was going to be next - I was going to Carnival in Rio/Salvador, but the 2 Brazilians I know both said to wait till next year if I can't go the first weekend. So I'm looking for my 2025 travel destination.
Sorry to hear about the divorce if that's a thing that happened! 2 of my 3 best buds are going through that now (the 3rd is engaged). 1 was a long term w/children relationship and is amicable, the other lasted about 1 year and is nasty.
Thanks! Things weren't great for a while so it was really a big sense of relief when it finally happened. Obviously a shitty couple of months but I kept my place and refurnished and it's feeling good, plus I'm dating someone really fun now and having a great time.
You should definitely go to Japan, it's also a really affordable vacation if you want to do it on a tight budget - you can eat really well for cheap and hotels are not bad.
Anyway, Gordie absolutely rocks, congrats on the PUP
Oh dang I kinda glossed over that part. I didn't even know you were married. Sounds like the right thing in the end but I'm sorry for all rough times that lead up to that.
sutterfamily wrote: ↑Sat Jan 18, 2025 2:04 pm
So, the lady and I, realizing that we're about to hit the ol' downward slope and have limited time to give our bodies the muscle base we'll need when we're elderly to be able to hopefully stay mobile and independent.
I have done, like, ZERO training in years and years. Figured my weekly beer league hockey and work commute cycling would have me at least in an okay spot to start really working at it.
Went to my first class yesterday, a muscle fit thing with barbell/dumbells. It was my first class so I knew to take it easy, calibrated with the 65+ guy a foot shorter than me to my right and the 65+ 88lb rail-thin woman in front of me and matched their weights. They had 2 10lbs on the barbell and an 8lb dumbell per hand so I went with that.
Then proceeded to get bodied by those two. They powered through at the same weights that I had to take countless breaks at and was too messed up by the end to even participate in the yoga cooldown. Was continually hitting a max of either cardio or strength or both simultaneously. Just pulverized.
how do I build muscle base? do I have to join a gym?
I would love to visit Japan again, going solo would be cool as my mrs was shushing me at every ramen shop because I would talk at my normal volume (drunk) and these places were all basically dead silent.
practice wrote: ↑Wed Jan 22, 2025 6:53 am
how do I build muscle base? do I have to join a gym?
Can I let you know when I have some? I do suspect that it requires exercise and doing hard things with your muscles which I imagine is doable outside of a gym.
I do a lot of cardio (ran 1000+ miles for the… fourth year in a row) but I don’t do much / any strength training. I was starting to get back into free weights before Gordie but now I’m barely able to get cardio in.
practice wrote: ↑Wed Jan 22, 2025 6:53 am
how do I build muscle base? do I have to join a gym?
Can I let you know when I have some? I do suspect that it requires exercise and doing hard things with your muscles which I imagine is doable outside of a gym.
We just ordered some dumbbells in a few different weights. You can do quite a bit with just those and body weight to build base.
practice wrote: ↑Wed Jan 22, 2025 6:53 am
how do I build muscle base? do I have to join a gym?
Can I let you know when I have some? I do suspect that it requires exercise and doing hard things with your muscles which I imagine is doable outside of a gym.
We just ordered some dumbbells in a few different weights. You can do quite a bit with just those and body weight to build base.
when I was hobbled with a bad/sciatic nerve thing in the fall I started doing Heather Robertson non weights no jumping low impact workouts on youtube, they have lots of squats turned into fun names such as, the speed skater, the ski jumper, etc.
practice wrote: ↑Thu Jan 23, 2025 3:48 pm
when I was hobbled with a bad/sciatic nerve thing in the fall I started doing Heather Robertson non weights no jumping low impact workouts on youtube, they have lots of squats turned into fun names such as, the speed skater, the ski jumper, etc.
I went to high school with Heather! She was kind of in our social circle, but she was already dating like 25-year olds then haha.
I've weight trained for ~15 years, so happy to answer any questions I can although I'd recommend finding a professional you trust.
At 41 I'm trying to balance easing into more mobility fitness with still needing to gain some strength as I'm learning 2-stepping/country swing where I need to lift gals up. I weight train upper body 3x/week, then go to this boxing/training gym with the best trainers I've ever seen in my life for 2 lower body group classes, plus some boxing, mobility classes, treadmill classes. I go to yoga probably monthly, would love to do more but it's hard to fit in with all the other stuff. Also taking tennis and ski lessons lol.
practice wrote: ↑Thu Jan 23, 2025 3:48 pm
when I was hobbled with a bad/sciatic nerve thing in the fall I started doing Heather Robertson non weights no jumping low impact workouts on youtube, they have lots of squats turned into fun names such as, the speed skater, the ski jumper, etc.
I went to high school with Heather! She was kind of in our social circle, but she was already dating like 25-year olds then haha.
ha that's wild. the countdown thing really agrees with me as in like mentally I can commit to doing something difficult for 45 seconds as in an HR video much more than like, doing 3 x 10 reps of something difficult and then moving onto another thing difficult. in any case I really wish to avoid joining a gym
hockey participants post: I feel my game has suffered a fair bit since the kid got the Moana soundtrack for her yoto player. she plays these songs during breakfast and dinner and bath etc and then they keep playing in my head for the rest of the day and even through the night sometimes, no matter what else I am doing, playing hockey or driving or trying to read or talking to someone